
Showing posts with label Podemos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Podemos. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 October 2018

It's getting worse.

We all know they were a bit out of their minds in the loony left, but now they've definitely gone crackers. Pedro SĂĄnchez, the magician that ended the Mediterranean migrant crisis by harbouring the Aquarius, has reached an agreement with Iran-funded neo-Commies Podemos on the General State Budget for 2019—which is still to be passed in Brussels and Madrid—whereby they've resolved to artificially raise the Spanish minimum wage up to €900 a month. The good news is that those that work for others will earn more, as though they lived in Switzerland or Luxembourg. The bad news is that this is post-recession Spain—let's not forget—and only big companies will be able to stand such a policy. Not sure about the newsagent's around the corner.

But what's more, since the minimum wage is linked to the self-employed social security contributions, these—which had already risen in the Rajoy era—will equally go through the roof. Most of us, freelancers, currently pay a monthly amount of €278 for social security, which is unthinkable in any other European country; but, from January 2019 on, we'll be made to pay the ridiculous amount of €314 a month [!!!] should we earn an income higher than €900. And, on top of that, little is known about what's going to happen with those that can't make as much money as the new minimum wage figure. There exist two options: to be exempt from paying, which translates into not having a pension after retirement, or pay a cheaper amount, which implies contributing for a poorer pension. The latter is, of course, the least bad option for those of us who dislike wasting our time and wish to keep contributing while seeking for a better source of income.

In my case, a miserable freelance linguist: should I teach foreign languages privately, I'll probably be exempt from contributing and, simultaneously, assume the consequences of it. Nevertheless, should I get to translate something or teach a course, I'll be made to pay €314 a month for my work instead of using that money for paying rent or investing in myself and my property. It's like being given a fine for... Working! 😰

From Pixabay. Free of copyright.

Saturday 29 September 2018

La izquierda orco odia la belleza.

Yo, sin embargo, no odio a los millonarios, ni tampoco a la gente guapa; de hecho, soy fan de los Beckham desde los 12 años. Al principio, porque era un prepĂșber y, ahora, porque han sabido reciclarse y mantener su fortuna a largo plazo. A mĂ­ lo que me envenena es saber que hay militantes de determinada izquierda que han tenido una trayectoria acadĂ©mica mejor que la mĂ­a, y no tengo hĂ­gado suficiente para depurar tanto veneno.

Sois los hijos de los burĂłcratas y lo habĂ©is tenido todo: carrera (sin preocuparos por tener dinerito o no para vuestros gastos), matrĂ­cula gratis, pisito de papĂĄ en el centro, coche propio, que no habĂ©is pagado vosotros; viajes intercontinentales en temporada alta, estudios de doctorado, y hasta hablĂĄis inglĂ©s mejor que yo, que soy profesor de inglĂ©s. Pero ¿os jode que haya gente mĂĄs rica y mĂĄs guapa que vosotros? 😏

Para la izquierda solo puedes destacar y/o prosperar si estudias un posgrado —habiendo tenido previamente la disciplina militar para memorizar 10 y conseguir un 10— o preparas oposiciones, con las mismas aptitudes. Pero como tengas cualquier otra dote —del tipo que sea— distinta de su sobresaliente capacidad memorĂ­stica, vendrĂĄn a macharte con la envidia.

Os voy a decir una cosita: tengo derecho a disfrutar de la belleza, y a recrearme —como a mĂ­ me parezca oportuno— en la contemplaciĂłn de la misma. Pero no me gasto mi dinero en «pluralidad». Para ver «pluralidad», me voy a Sangenjo en agosto, que tengo allĂ­ «pluralidad» de sobra.

Envidiosos de mierda.

From Pixabay. Free of copyright.